УДК: 656.07
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-41
JEL classification: D 81
Any economy functions under global influence and internal contradictions; it must be balanced to meet people’s basic needs, a healthy natural environment, social infrastructure, and awareness of the needs of the existing state of the institutional environment. Strategic imperatives build an environment of strategic priorities, which is formed for each enterprise, industry, and economy of the country. They are an essential condition for development and the transformation of the institutional environment of the economy. The article is devoted to considering the development and implementation of the strategic imperatives of the organization’s management in the conditions of global risks and crisis phenomena. The essence of the concepts “Imperatives” and “Imperative management strategies” is revealed. The scientific opinions of foreign and Ukrainian scientists regarding the development and importance of strategic imperatives in the management of the organization, in particular during global risks and crisis phenomena, are highlighted. The possible strategic imperatives during crises of the organization are characterized, and the views of foreign scientists regarding the principles that must be followed when making strategic decisions during internal and external crises are described. Business research on management disclosure demonstrates significant results in dealing with business failures, deteriorating financial performance, personnel management, and failures in communications with suppliers and government agencies during local and global crises. In particular, it has been proven that strategic imperatives will allow generating new and adoption of existing business models that significantly affect modern social and economic processes as a result of the transformation and digitalization of business activity and are currently necessary given military operations and rapid changes in the business environment and operating conditions of organizations in towards the actualization of social and environmental trends.
Keywords: strategic imperatives, imperative strategies, global risks, crisis phenomena, strategic management in management.
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The article was received 13.01.2024