УДК 332.135:658(075.8)

doctor of economics, professor,
Head of the Department of Economics
Uman National University of Horticulture
candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor,
department of UNESCO «Philosophy of human intercourse» and social-humanitarian disciplines
Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petr Vasilenko


Introduction. The article considers and systematizes the views of scientists regarding the emergence and definition of the «market», «tourism services market», «region». The concept of «market of tourist services» with the characteristic of regional peculiarities of its formation is substantiated. The author’s vision of the interpretation of the concept of «tourist services regional market» is formed as a combination of economic relations, which are formed under the influence of the market conditions to ensure the purchase and sale of specific tourist goods and services in a defined territory, taking into account the regional specificity of its functioning.

The purpose of the article is to highlight and justify issues related to the emergence of tourism services market and to formulate an author’s vision for the interpretation of the «market of tourist services» concept taking into account the regional specificity of its functioning.

Results. In order to achieve the goals and objectives of the article, it is proved that a commodity on in the market of tourist services is a tourist product. Market of tourist services is a system of relations between market players (manufacturers of tourist products, paying consumers, intermediaries). Consumers of tourist services are tourists. Travel agents, clubs, associations are the clear intermediaries between tourists and service providers. The subjects of the tourist market are also manufacturers of related services and goods – advertising companies, mass media, manufacturers of «domestic exports» goods.
It is proved that the economic mechanism of the tourist services market functioning is the actions system of economic instruments of the constant balancing of demand and offer of tourist products / services in the conditions of globalization influence and intensification of competition.
The structure of the offer in the tourism market is characterized by an obvious advantage of services that are created in industries specializing to meet the demand of tourists, and in industries that simultaneously satisfy the demand of the local population. The determinants of the latest tourist offer are: solvent demand, the number of tourism service providers, the development level of the tourism industry as a whole, the level of using of the tourist resources potential, price (the volume of supply increases with increasing prices).

Conclusions. The tourist market is a complex and multifaceted concept that is most often defined in the following semantic meanings: the component of the general market of goods and services, subject to the actions of economic laws of commodity production and commodity circulation; the sphere of sales of goods and services that meet the needs of travelers in places of their temporary stay; a set of economic relations that combines demand and supply for the sale and purchase of specific tourist goods and services at present and in the given place; a set of all actual and potential consumers who buy or can buy goods and services for tourism purposes. The category «regional market of tourist services» is defined as a set of economic relations, which are formed under the influence of the market conditions for the sale and purchase of specific tourist goods and services in a defined territory in order to promote its competitiveness and economic development, coordinated activities of which ensures stable synergistic effect.


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The article was received 12.09.2018