УДК 330.021.8:378.001
JEL classification: O 33
Introduction. The development of scientific research is the key to a stable and efficient country’s economy. In order to develop public policy areas in this field, it is necessary to monitor scientific research and evaluate their results. Financial support for research requires additional funding together with public funding.
The purpose of the article is to evaluate the state of research funding, taking into account the international audit recommendations of the national system of research and innovation for the period 2012-2017.
Results. The process and results of the international audit of the National Research and Innovation System are described for 2016. The financing volume of Ukrainian scientific sphere for 2015-2017 has been analyzed. A graphical interpretation of the results is presented. It is established that government funds are the main source of financing for the scientific sector. The distribution of total R&D funding by source and cost item in 2016-2017 is analyzed. The dominance of the business sector has been established. The budget financing dynamics of the scientific sphere for 2012 – 2017 is described. The structure of budget expenditures for scientific researches in the amount of domestic gross product is analyzed. A gradual decrease in the amount of research funding has been identified. Expenditures for the implementation of R&D are analyzed by types and sources of financing for 2015 – 2017. The largest share of the expenditures for the academic sector financing has been established.
Conclusions. Conducting research requires adequate funding. The scientific potential of the domestic economy is not fully utilized due to lack of financial support. Improving the research funding is an important area of public policy. Financial support should be regulated by law. It is determined that the general level, structure and mechanisms of financing of the scientific and technical sphere in Ukraine make it difficult to use the opportunities of the scientific and technical potential that affects the national economy development.
Keywords: national economy, science, scientific and technical activities, scientific potential, scientific sphere, financial support.
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The article was received 12.12.2018